Thursday, June 3, 2010


Our friends at the Pet Food Warehouse have gotten some baby chicks. Due to nature and a need to thin the flock, we have reduced our chicken numbers to 38. Not a big loss, but enough to make us consider adding to our brood. There are also concerns about ladies getting to the end of their cycle.

So last night we brought home 10 new babies. We have a mix of Red Sex Links, Rhode Island Reds, and a few more Americanas.

There is Loppy, who can be sometimes lopsided. Also we have Cookie--Emma and Robbie's favorite. Then we have Peaches, my favorite. Those are the three that are distinguishable right now, but I am sure we will have some new names in the next few days.

So now we are up to 48 chickens! Plans are in the works for new turkeys as well.